Read our Stories and experiences about exciting destination in Latin America & recommended Spanish Schools where you can learn Spanish, live the culture, explore the surroundings and have an amazing experience you will, most likely, never forget!

10 leukste dingen om te doen in Peru

January 27, 2022

Peru is een van ‘s werelds meest bucketlist-waardige landen om redenen die veel verder gaan dan alleen het iconische Machu Picchu. Daarom is het een droombestemming voor een intensieve taalcursus Spaans in Latijns-Amerika! Hier vind je de 10 leukste dingen om te doen in Peru. Van de beroemde ruïnes van de Inca’s tot de prachtige […]

Spanish in Colombia between beaches, jungles and bustling towns!

April 07, 2021

Study Spanish in Colombia, and you will be in a tropical country of incredible diversity and charm. The people are amazingly friendly, and Colombia has beautiful nature and landscapes that change almost with a blink of an eye! Study Spanish in Colombia between beaches, jungles and bustling towns! Colombia is one of the world’s most […]