Read our Stories and experiences about exciting destination in Latin America & recommended Spanish Schools where you can learn Spanish, live the culture, explore the surroundings and have an amazing experience you will, most likely, never forget!

Wat is de beste stad voor een taalcursus Spaans: Bogotá of Medellín?

April 14, 2023

Taalcursus Spaans: Bogotá of Medellín? Colombia is een populaire bestemming om Spaans te studeren. Colombia is een populair bestemming voor een taalcursus Spaans in Latijns-Amerika! Met zijn prachtige stranden, weelderige regenwouden en ruige bergketens biedt Colombia avontuur en spanning biedt voor reizigers van alle leeftijden. Een andere trekpleister van Colombia is de rijke cultuur en […]

What is the best place to study Spanish: Bogotá or Medellín?

April 11, 2023

Best place to study Spanish: Bogotá or Medellín? Colombia is a popular destination for studying Spanish. It is vibrant and diverse country with a rich history, breathtaking natural landscapes, and a vibrant culture: an excellent destination for a Spanish Course in Latin America! With its stunning beaches, lush rainforests, and rugged mountain ranges, Colombia offers […]

Waarom Spaans leren in Colombia

January 20, 2022

Waarom Spaans leren in Colombia? Colombia is een geweldig land om te reizen en een taalcursus Spaans te doen! Al in 2016 noemde Lonely Planet Colombia in de top tien beste bestemmingen voor een verre reis. Het toerisme was toegenomen van een half miljoen in 2003 tot 1,3 miljoen in 2007. Later, in 2013, maakten […]

Spanish in Colombia between beaches, jungles and bustling towns!

April 07, 2021

Study Spanish in Colombia, and you will be in a tropical country of incredible diversity and charm. The people are amazingly friendly, and Colombia has beautiful nature and landscapes that change almost with a blink of an eye! Study Spanish in Colombia between beaches, jungles and bustling towns! Colombia is one of the world’s most […]

Coronavirus in Latin America: What You Need to Know

September 08, 2020

Coronavirus in Latin America: What You Need to Know — What the current situation in Latin America regarding the  Corona pandemic? What will travel in Latin America will be like in the (near) future? What is going on with the Spanish Schools in Latin America, are they open again? Can you already make new plans […]

Most Important Festivals in Latin America

March 03, 2020

Latin America offers the most colorful, lavish, unique and artistic festivals in the entire world. Take a look at our top choices below for festivals in Peru, Colombia, Bolivia, Argentina, Chile, Mexico and Panama – all great destinations for a Spanish immersion course. Spanish immersion programs allow you to get a better sense of the […]

Study Spanish in Colombia

January 21, 2020

Colombia is a marvelous choice for travel and a great destination for a Spanish Immersion program! So why not study Spanish in Colombia? Don’t just take our word for it: in 2016, Lonely Planet listed Colombia as one of the top ten places to travel. Tourism increased (perhaps because of Lonely Planet’s award) from half […]