Read our Stories and experiences about exciting destination in Latin America & recommended Spanish Schools where you can learn Spanish, live the culture, explore the surroundings and have an amazing experience you will, most likely, never forget!

Typical Argentine Spanish words

March 28, 2022

When learning Spanish in the stunning Argentina capital of Buenos Aires, you will not only learn Spanish. You will also learn a whole set of typical Spanish words o better said, typical Argentina words. You will hear and learn Spanish expressions, phrases, and words only used in Argentina (and some in Uruguay, maybe). Argentine Spanish […]

5 Quick, Nutritious and Delicious Latin America Recipes

February 15, 2022

Do you have a new date to impress, an anniversary to celebrate, a birthday, an office party or a family potluck? Or maybe you want to pass the time by making a new dish? Or, are you preparing for a trip to Latin America to learn Spanish? Well, no matter what your reason is for […]

Best Places to Spend Christmas In Mexico

December 21, 2021

Mexico is probably one of the most amazing countries to visit and learn Spanish, so spending Christmas here will be a unique experience. Learn about Mexico’s festive season, as the country will be full of joy, delicious food, music, Christmas decorations and deep-rooted traditions. What are the best places to see Christmas in Mexico? Check […]

Interesting Fun Facts about Costa Rica

October 28, 2021

Do you have plans to travel to Costa Rica to learn Spanish and live a green tropical adventure while improving your Spanish? Costa Rica is known for its sprawling rainforests, cascading waterfalls volcanoes and chattering toucans. This al makes it a great destination for an adventure trip and a Spanish immersion program. To get you […]

Best Beach Location in Latin America to Study Spanish

August 20, 2021

Best Beach Location in Latin America to Study Spanish | Choosing the best destination in Latin America to study Spanish can be challenging because every country, region and city is so diverse. So how do you even begin to decide where to go? Well, we have a few tips. One tip is to choose a […]

Don’t Miss Out on the Highest Capital in the World

July 26, 2021

Learn Spanish in Bolivia, in the highest capital in the world! Book a ticket and discover this somehow underrated yet fascinating city in Bolivia! La Paz has something for everyone! La Paz is a great destination for Spanish lessons in Bolivia. The city is located in the Valley of the Andes, around 5 hours from […]

What to do in Valparaíso while learning Spanish!

July 20, 2021

What to do in Valparaíso while learning Spanish in Chile | The colourful and shimmering city on the pacific coast of Chile is a must-visit if you are travelling through South America or searching for a destination to learn Spanish in Latin America! Valparaíso is known for being the city of colours, a hippie haven […]

Guide to Popular Mexican Food

June 21, 2021

If you’re visiting Mexico with a Spanish immersion program abroad – or otherwise – look out for these popular Mexican dishes to get a real taste of Mexican cuisine. In this article, we show you our pick of the top must-try popular Mexican food, including tacos, tortillas, guacamole, chilies,corn and so much more! Read our […]

Mexican Drinks You Want to Know and Try

May 17, 2021

Mexican drinks and Mexican cocktails are among the most popular in the world. So is the Mexican cuisine: many articles have been written about amazing Mexican food and Mexican dishes. Mexican beverages are colorful and varied – as the Mexican culture and the country itself 🙂 Check out this guide for the Best Mexican drinks […]

What to do in Buenos Aires while learning Spanish

May 13, 2021

Buenos Aires – the beautiful capital of Argentina – is a very interesting and intriguing city. Did you pick Buenos Aires as a destination for a Spanish course in Argentina? You won’t regret it! Not only will you learn loads of Spanish here, with fun Argentine slang included – you will never be bored, not […]

Spanish Phrases You Only Hear in Colombia

May 03, 2021

A Guide to Colombian Slang: Colombianismos There are Spanish phrases you only hear in Colombia. Spanish is the official language of Colombia. But, like all countries in Latin America, Colombians have their own way to speak Spanish to make them stand out from the crowd. Slang and expressions can be challenging when you are learning […]